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Ekal Vidyalaya

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Ekal Vidyalaya

HSS Norway is dedicated to sponsoring schools in Bharat via Ekal Vidyalaya for many years now.

Ekal Vidyalaya is an organization and movement that aims to help eradicate illiteracy from rural and tribal Bharat. This movement initiates, supports, and runs one-teacher schools (popularly known as Ekal Vidyalayas) all over the country. With the participation of numerous non-profit trusts and organizations, this program has now become the greatest education movement in the country. Ekal Vidyalaya movement runs 99,209 one-teacher schools in Tribal and less privileged areas of Bharat. Over 2.6 million students get primary education in these schools. More formation about Ekal Vidyalaya can be found at (www.ekal.org )

Your help is needed

9.53 kr/day keeps illiteracy away.”

Our Progress

Annual Fund Collection for Ekal Schools Donation

2015 75Schools
2020 76Schools
2019 76Schools
2017 76Schools
2016 55Schools

You Should Know This

A 3000 kr contribution can support a School with 30 children for an entire year!

The Ekal Vidyalaya is able to maintain a 9.53 Kr/day cost because it works with a low overhead budget and is supported by the villagers with whom it works.

Ekal Vidyalaya will not use donor information for any commercial purpose or distribute to any commercial entity. It will be strictly used to communicate with the donor about Ekal activities in India where Ekal schools are operated. HSS Norway will make every effort to keep the identity of the donor anonymous should the donor request either by choosing anonymous on the online form.

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NOK Norwegian krone