Gokulam is the place where Lord Krishna’s magical childhood days were spent. It was here that his divine powers came to light. Every child has that spark of divinity within.
What is Balagokulam?
Balagokulam is a forum for children to discover and manifest that divinity. It will enable Hindu children in Norway to learn and appreciate their cultural roots and Hindu values. This is done through weekly planned activities, which include games, yoga, stories, bhajans (songs), shlokas (prayers), and arts and crafts.
We, as a parent, want our kids to know, learn, and follow Hindu culture and values. And it can not be done only for our kids in our own home but collectively. We, therefore, plan to bring all our kids together and learn all these values.
Our Goal
- Facilitate children to appreciate, learn, and practice the Hindu way of life,
- Instigate confidence in our children about their identity,
- Raise Hindu awareness in the society around,
- Develop social awareness and leadership skills in our children.
Activities :
Children will have lots of fun while they learn.
Activities are planned for their physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development. Some of the activities are:
- Indian Games
- Yoga
- Stories
- Fitness
- Scientific experiments
- Shlokas
- Arts and Crafts
Balagokulam is being actively conducted in Oslo, Asker, and Drammen municipalities of Norway. We encourage everyone to actively participate and contribute. For questions please write to info@hssnorway.org. To know more about Balagokulam please visit balagokulam.org.
BalGokulam Questionnaire – Ek
Q1. Hvilken hindu gudinne som gir penger ? A. Saraswati Mata B. Amba Mata C.Lakshmi Mata D.Yashoda Mata Q2. Hvem er først guru i hele verden ? A.Bhagwan Vishnu B. Bhagwan Brahma C.Bhagwan Surya D. Bhagwan Shiv Q3. Hvor mange dager ferier vi Navaratri? 1. 8 dager 2. 7 dager 3. 9 dager 4. 5 dager Q4. Festival av Lys er 1. Dashera 2. Navaratri 3. Holi 4. Diwali Q5. I Mahabharat hvor mye bror er i totalt av Pandav og Kaurav 1. 100 2. 5 3. 105 4. 95 Q6. Hva heter gutten som er bueskytter her ? A. Bheem B. Krishna C.Arjun D.Duryodhana Q7. Hva heter moren til Shree Krishna A. Yashoda B. Dropadi C.Subhadra D. Radha Q8. Hva er virkelighet navn av