Welcome to HSS Sewa, Norway

Ekal Vidyalaya

HSS Norway has started a drive to sponsor  schools in Bharat via Ekal vidyalaya since last 8 years.

Ekal Vidyalaya is an organization and movement aims to help eradicate illiteracy from rural and tribal Bharat.  This movement initiates, supports and runs one-teacher schools (popularly known as Ekal Vidyalayas) all over the country. With participation of numerous non-profit trusts and organizations, this program has now become the greatest education movement in the country. Ekal Vidyalaya movement runs 99,209  one- teacher schools in Tribal and less privileged areas of Bharat. Over 2.6 million students get primary education in these schools. More formation about ekal vidyalaya can be found here (www.ekal.org )


Some of you have already supported this initiative and we have donated for more than 60 schools this year(2019). The schools got allocated for HSS Norway are situated all over Bharat which has been successfully running for the last seven years. There is a need of renewal of sponsorship for these schools for year 2020.


In addition HSS Norway has set up a goal of minimum 70 such schools this year. Sponsorship cost for one school is INR  22000 (NOK 3000) for one year. One school supports education for around 20-25 children. Our small contribution makes a big difference in the lives of these underprivileged children.


This goal  is achievable  only with your esteemed contribution. The volunteer contribution can start from NOK 100.

Contact us if you are interested to contribute we will provide more info about payment.

Appreciate if you can spread this information to your friends and give them the opportunity to become a part of this drive !


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EUR Euro
NOK Norwegian krone