Welcome to HSS Sewa, Norway

Christmas cards for old age home – Sewa activity 2020

Namaste All,

Sewa is selfless service, HSS Seva team in Norway compassionate and cares for others above oneself.

This year was special because of the pandemic, we were not able to provide our physical service due to restrictions; however, we found a way to spread happiness for old people living in old age homes. The idea was to deliver Christmas and new year greeting cards for people living in old age homes. Our volunteers have contacted Asker and Oslo kommune and three Old age homes accepted our offer happily. 

The card-making message was spread in the Indian community living in Oslo and Asker and we were delighted to see several small children, parents and teenage kids happily participating and made hundreds of beautiful cards. 

Some glimpses of greeting card made by children:


Thank you so much for your selfless service. performing Sewa is said to transform the personality


Some of our volunteers created a beautiful box to deliver the cards:


Few days before Christmas, on 21st Dec 2020 our volunteers have delivered the card to old age home:


Administration in the old age home was so happy, delighted and thankful to all of us. Here is the encouraging message for all of us:


Godt nyttår og beklager sent svar fra meg. Det er rare tider og mye å ta tak i om dagen. Håper alt står bra til med dere.

Jeg har fått tilbakemelding fra Gullhella om julekortene de fikk. De skriver at:

«julekortene ble godt tatt imot av beboerne, og de satt veldig pris på dette. Noen husket på navnet på barnet som hadde skrevet kortet. Kortene fikk også stå tilgjengelig på bordet i flere dager.»

 Ellers har jeg bare hørt muntlige positive tilbakemeldinger. Dette var en kreativ og flott måte å knytte barn og eldre sammen på under pandemi.

Når pandemien er over håper jeg vi kan få til prosjekt hvor vi også kan knytte barn og eldre sammen gjennom fysiske treff, slik vi har snakket om tidligere J


 Thank you all for your selfless service to the community. The sacred Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita, encourages selfless service as a way to develop spiritually.

HSS Norway 

Sewa Team


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