Welcome to HSS Sewa, Norway

Suryanamaskar Yagya 2021 Report

Suryanamaskar Yagya (SNY) 2021 in Norway was conducted from 14th to 31st of January. Daily common sessions of 30 mins were conducted throughout the time period to ensure the feeling of sangh and to enable a focus on mantras, breathing and technique.


SNY was concluded with a samarop karyakram on Sunday 31st of January from 10:00-11:30 AM.  The sankhya during the samarop was 70 and the program consisted of warm up, common  suryanamaskars, ekal geet, sharing of individual experiences and bauddhik by Ma. Chandra Kant ji.


Both daily sessions and the samarop were conducted virtually on Zoom. 109 participants from 14  cities between the age of 1 to 67 years did more than 46 000 suryanamaskars during the 18 days.


All in all, SNY 2021 in Norway was successful in terms of creating awareness around yoga and its advantages in achieving a healthy body, mind and spirit.



HSS Norway

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