Yuva Shibir 2015, 20. – 22. mars
Kjære leser,
Basert på tilbakemeldinger fra tidligere shibir ser HSS Norge muligheten for å arrangere et Yuva shibir i slutten av mars. Vi ønsker at målgruppen skal være ungdommer fra 12 til 25 år, og grunnet det korte tidsperspektivet har vi derfor satt et mål om minst 20 deltagere fra denne målgruppen. Derfor ønsker vi at alle som er interesserte betaler deltakeravgiften innen 2. mars. Om vi når målet på 20 deltagere fra målgruppen vil vi arrangere shibir. For praktisk informasjon, se lenger ned.
Hva er shibir: En slags leirskole med mentale og fysiske aktiviteter og en tettpakket timeplan. Eksempler på aktiviteter er indiske leker (KhoKho, Kabaddi), yoga, niyudh (indisk kampsport), meditasjon, gruppediskusjoner, korte foredrag og sang. Alle aktiviteter bærer et kulturelt preg og foregår fortløpende, det vil si at man aldri har tid til å kjede seg! Noe av det beste med shibir er den positive energien og relasjonene man sitter igjen med i etterkant.
Dato: 20.03.2015 (kl 18:00) til 22.03.2015 (kl 15:00)
Sted: Sanatan Mandir
Nyveien 6,
3470 Slemmestad
Deltakeravgift og påmelding:
Beløp settes over til kontonummer Dhirendra Kant shukla : 7076 14 54259 innen 2. mars. Merk betalingen med navn på alle deltagere i emnefeltet. Om vi ikke oppnår ønsket antall deltagere (se over) vil pengene tilbakebetales. Påmelding gjøres via denne lenken.
Én person: 150 kroner
Familie: 300 kroner
Mat: All mat er inkludert (frokost, lunsj, middag, frukt)
Klær for fysisk aktivitet ute og inne, vanlige klær og toalettsaker
Ekal Vidhyalaya Drive
Ekal Vidyalaya is an organization and movement aims to help eradicate illiteracy from rural and tribal India by 2015. This movement initiates, supports, and runs one-teacher schools (popularly known as Ekal Vidyalayas) all over the country. The Schools are in the
Is there a membership fee?
HSS is a volunteer based organization, not a member based organization. HSS has a unique method of managing its finances. There is no membership fee and there are no fund raising events for its operations. At the Guru Poornima festival,
Who runs HSS?
HSS is a volunteer based organization. Nobody is paid. Some volunteers called vistaraks commit to volunteering several years full-time. Some volunteers called pracharaks commit their whole life for HSS work. Day to day activities are managed by a team of
Names of Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva is known by several names. The Shiva Purana list 1008 names for Lord Shiva. Each of these names in Sanskrit signifies certain attribute of the Lord. Given here are 108 names of Lord Shiva with their meaning.
Starting Free Hindi (Devanagari script) classes in Oslo
HSS Norway is starting Hindi classes at Lindeberg, Oslo. The classes will help our young children to read, write Devnagari script and speak Hindi. Students will be able to communicate in Hindi with their family and friends. This will be a unique opportunity to keep in touch with our roots and culture.
For school children from 1st to 7th grade
Classes will be held every Friday 18:00-19:00
Starting first time on Friday 30th Jan 2015 at 18:00
Dedicated and committed faculty
Friendly and fun-filled atmosphere
Location : Lindeberglokalet Jerikoveien 3, 1067 Oslo (left to KIWI shop at Lindeberg senter)
Every Friday evening from 18:00 to 19:00
Contact :
Dhirendra Kant Shukla - dksnorway@gmail.com
Gurudutt Verma - egurudutt@gmail.com
Hindi-klasse i Oslo (Devanagari-skrift)
Scandinavian Shibir 2014, 29th August to 31st Aug 2014
Scandinavian Shibir 2014 to be held during the weekend 29th August to 31st Aug 2014 is a kind of camp for children and adults organized by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) Norway. Typical physical activities include Indian games, yoga and other things by input from
Stostra for May 2014
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah | Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || May all beings be Happy & Fortunate May all beings be Healthy & Joyful May all beings be Kind & Loving May all beings be Free from pain &
Stostra for April 2014
मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठ । वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये । Mano-Javam Maaruta-Tulya-Vegam Jite[a-I]ndriyam Buddhi-Mataam Varissttha | Vaata-Atmajam Vaanara-Yuutha-Mukhyam Shriiraama-Duutam Sharannam Prapadye | Meaning: (I take Refuge in Sri Hanuman) 1: Who is Swift as Mind and Fast as Wind, 2: Who is the Master of the Senses and
Stotra for March 2014 Balgokulam
समुद्रवसने देवि पर्वतस्तनमण्डले । विष्णुपत्नि नमस्तुभ्यं पादस्पर्शं क्षमस्वमे ॥ Samudra-Vasane Devi Parvata-Stana-Mannddale | Vissnnu-Patni Namastubhyam Paada-sparsham Kssama-Svame || Meaning: (Oh Mother Earth) The Devi Who is having Ocean as Her Garments and Mountains as Her Bosom, Who is the Consort of Sri Vishnu, I Bow to
European Shibir 2014
Invitation Dear Shri / Shrimati, I hope you are in good health and spirit by Grace of Paramatma. Next European Shibir 2014 (shibir is a camp / retreat) will be held in Hamburg, Germany. The proposed programme for the Shibir includes games, yoga and group discussions on various cultural and
शुभं करोति कल्याणं
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam Deepam शुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदा । शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥ Shubham Karoti Kalyaannam-Aarogyam Dhana-Sampadaa | Shatru-Buddhi-Vinaashaaya Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute || Meaning: 1: (Salutations to the Light of the Lamp) Which Brings Auspiciousness, Health and Prosperity, 2: Which Destroys Inimical Feelings; Salutations to the Light of the Lamp.
Make chicken sounds with plastic cup
Things needed: Plastic cup Cotton string U pin / paper clip Paper Water Cut off a piece of string about as long as your arm Punch a small hole in the center of the bottom of cup Tie one end to string with a paperclip/Upin Thread the string through
BalGokulam Questionnaire – Panch
BalGokulam Questionnaire – Char
Q1. Når ble swami vivekanand født 12 Januar 16 mai 18 november 30 Oktober Q2. Hvor ble swami Vivekananda født Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Chennai Q3. Hva er virkelighet navn av Swami Vivekananda Nitin Narendra Vivek Anand Q4. Hva heter Guru til Swami Vivekananda Ram Chandra Ram Krishna Ram Naresh Ram Shiva Q5. Navn på Swami Vivekananda mor er Ramadevi Yoshadhara kaushalya Bhuvaneswari Devi Q6. Hvor
BalGokulam Questionnaire – Ek
Q1. Hvilken hindu gudinne som gir penger ? A. Saraswati Mata B. Amba Mata C.Lakshmi Mata D.Yashoda Mata Q2. Hvem er først guru i hele verden ? A.Bhagwan Vishnu B. Bhagwan Brahma C.Bhagwan Surya D. Bhagwan Shiv Q3. Hvor mange dager ferier vi Navaratri? 1. 8 dager 2. 7 dager 3. 9 dager 4.
SHAKHA on 29th Nov 2013 from 18:00 to 20:00 at Veitvet , Oslo
Saprem Namaste, You are welcome to attend this month's SHAKHA. Date: 29th Nov 2013 Time: 18:00 to 20:00 Venue: Det Chilenske kulturhus, Veitvet senter, Veitvetveien 8, 0596 Oslo. In SHAKHA we do typical physical activities include Indian games, yoga, Group discussions, songs and other activities which